Children of Coercive Control

The Coercive Control of Children extends Evan Stark’s path-breaking analysis of interpersonal violence to children, showing that coercive control is the most important cause and context of child abuse and child homicide outside a war zone, as well as of the sexual abuse, denigration, exploitation, isolation and subordination of children. The book provides a working model of the coercive control of children and illustrates its dynamics and consequences withdramatic cases drawn from the headlines and Dr. Stark’s forensic practice. The cases include those in which the coercive control of children runs in tandem with the coercive control of women, where children are “weaponized” in the coercive control of their mother and cases where abused mothers harm theirchildren to survive or protect them from worse. By highlighting a criminal cause of child maltreatment and a plausible justice response, Evan Stark challenges the common assumptions that child abuse and neglect fall on a continuum of problems rooted in maternal deficits, immaturity, poverty, and environmental stressors as well as the combination of Child Welfare and Child Protection Services that currently provide the ameliorative response….

Author: Evan Stark


Coercive Control in Children’s and Mothers’ Lives

Coercive control is a severe form of domestic violence experienced by millions of children worldwide. It involves a perpetrator using a range of tactics to intimidate, humiliate, degrade, exploit, isolate and control a partner or family member. Some coercive control perpetrators use violence, others do not.Drawing on interviews with children and mothers who have experienced coercive control-based domestic violence, this groundbreaking book sheds light on the impacts of coercive control on children, how it is perpetrators who must be held accountable for those impacts, and how resistance by children and mothers occurs. Resistance happens in everyday life, not just in response to incidents of violence. Breaking free from coercive control is not a one-off event but a sustained battle for safety and recovery in which child and adult survivors need supports and professional interventions that work.Written accessibly for students, researchers, practitioners, survivors of domestic violence, and anyone with a general interest in the topic, the book provides a child-centered perspective to revolutionize our understanding of how children are affected by coercive control-based domestic violence….

Author: Emma Katz


Luna Little Legs: Helping Young Children to Understand Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control

This sensitively written storybook has been created to help very young children understand about domestic abuse and coercive control. Accompanied by beautiful and engaging illustrations, the story provides a vehicle for talking with children about their experiences, safety and emotional wellbeing.
Illustrated storybook with three alternate endings …

Author: Catherine Lawler, illustrated by Nicky Armstrong


A professional Guide

This beautifully illustrated and sensitively written storybook and accompanying professional guide have been created to help young children understand about domestic abuse and coercive control. Floss is a happy little puppy who loves going to Doggy Daycare and playing with her best friend, Houdini. The story explores how things change when her Mum’s new friend, Boss, comes into their lives. Floss’s story supports children who have experienced domestic abuse and trauma as they make sense of their feelings, teaching them to seek help and stay safe. The supporting guidebook helps adults to work through the story effectively, putting the professional in a position to have important conversations with children about what to do if something at home does not feel right. This set: Can be used to address the topic of domestic abuse and coercive control with individuals, small groups and whole classes, enabling dialogue around a sensitive issue Offers activities for supporting children, safety planning strategies and guidance for taking on a key adult role Can be used to support the PSHE curriculum, particularly around the topic of healthy relationships This set is a vital tool for teachers, social care staff, therapists and other professionals working to teach young children about domestic abuse and coercive control. It provides an important vehicle for talking to children about staying safe and their emotional wellbeing.

Authors: Catherine Lawler, Abigail Sterne. Illustrated by Nicky Armstrong

“Jetzt schlagen auch die Frauen zu. 2022 gab es im häuslichen Umfeld fast gleich viele versuchte Tötunsdelikte an Männern wie an Frauen.”
Der Artikel von Mirko Plüss

Die Reaktion von KidsToo

“Lorsque ma fille revient de chez son père, elle ne veut rien me dire sur son séjour chez lui. Pourquoi?”
L’éclairage de Jon Schmidt, thérapeute de famille.

La réaction de KidsToo.

Newsletter février 2024

Cette newsletter traite de:

1. Les enfants de la violence

2. Lectures recommandées

3. Delenda Carthago – Un mari violent = un bon père?

4. KidsToo

La newsletter est disponible ici

The gift of Fear. Survival signals that protect us from violence

Protect yourself by learning how to trust – and act on – your instincts with the No 1 bestselling guide to personal safety, from security expert Gavin de Becker. A carjacker lurking in a shopping centre car park. An abusive husband pounding on the door. A man taking the seat next to you on an empty carriage. These days, it seems that no one is safe from the spectre of violence. But according to Gavin de Becker, you can feel safer, act safer, be safer – if you learn how to listen to your sixth sense about danger.In this unprecedented guide, Gavin de Becker, the man Oprah Winfrey calls the US’s ‘leading expert on violent behaviour’ , shows you how to spot even subtle signs of danger – before it’s too late. Shattering the myth that most violent acts are unpredictable, de Becker, whose clients include top Hollywood stars and government agencies, offers specific ways to protect yourself and those you love from daily threats, including: how to act when approached by a stranger; when you should fear someone close to you; what to do if you are being stalked; how to uncover the source of anonymous threats or phone calls; the biggest mistake you can make with a threatening person; and more. With The Gift of Fear , you can learn to spot the danger signals others miss. It might just save your life.
Gavin de Becker is internationally regarded as a leading expert on the prediction and management of violence. In 1985, de Becker received a special award from the US Attorney General and the director of the FBI in recognition of his work in threat assessment. He is also the author of more than forty articles and white papers, co-author of CONFIDENTIAL REPORT TO MANAGEMENT: UNDERSTANDING AND PREVENTING WORKPLACE VIOLENCE and the contributing-author of STALKED.

La traduction française est épuisée.

Newsletter décembre 2023

Cette 1ère newsletter traite de:

1. Les chiffres officiels de la violence domestique
1.1 Violence domestique grave
1.2 Enfants victimes de violence domestique grave
1.3 Infanticides, féminicides et homicides

2. Lectures recommandées

3. Delenda Carthago

4. KidsToo

La newsletter est disponible ici

Un-heard: Lived Experience in a Hostile System

This APPG was set up as a forum to work with representatives to increase awareness of the issues in child-centric family courts relating to the concept of parental alienation. It is essential that the child’s voice is prioritised in relevant proceedings. Thus, the APPG is trying to address the issues that arise due to the weaponised use of ‘parental alienation’ allegations in family courts.


Read the report: