Opferhilfe-Beratungsstelle Oberwallis, Brig
The OHG is the abbreviation for the Federal Act on Assistance to Victims of Crime. The OHG came into force on 1 January 1993.
A victim within the meaning of the OHG and the StPO is any person whose physical, sexual or psychological integrity has been directly affected by a criminal offence. This may include, for example, assault, rape, sexual acts with a child, traffic accident, death threat, deprivation of liberty, robbery, etc.
It is not necessary for the perpetrator of the offence to have been identified, for the perpetrator to have acted culpably or intentionally. Furthermore, filing a criminal complaint is not required in order to contact us.
The OAA and the OCP guarantee certain rights to victims of crime and their relatives (partner, children, parents of the victim):
- Every victim can request advice and assistance from a victim support centre in any Swiss canton ;
- the victim has certain specific rights in the context of criminal proceedings ;
- they can also claim compensation for the damage suffered (material damage and/or damages for pain and suffering) in the canton where the offence was committed.
The victim support advice centres offer a confidential service free of charge. They advise victims and their relatives, help them to assert their rights and refer them to specialists (lawyers, psychologists, doctors, etc.). Meetings take place only by appointment.