Association for the support of victims of perverse manipulation/violence in French-speaking Switzerland.
– individual or group counselling
– discussion groups and workshops
– conferences and seminars
– help and advice for professionals

Rue de l’Alouette 6a

2710 Tavannes

Maison Cana is a temporary shelter for women in vulnerable situations. This peaceful place, nestled in a green area in Muraz, opened its doors in September 2024.
The facility offers 6 places 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A multi-disciplinary team offers a range of social support services designed to help people regain their independence, gain access to individual accommodation and, depending on the situation, resume a social and/or professional activity.

Chez Paou – Accueil temporaire pour femmes
Rue du Chablais 45
1893 Collombey-Muraz

The child and adolescent protection team of the Eastern Vaud and Lower Valais regions



Hôpital Riviera-Chablais


Route du Vieux-Séquoia 20

1847 Rennaz

LAVI stands for Loi fédérale sur l’Aide aux Victimes d’Infractions. The LAVI came into force on 1 January 1993.

A victim within the meaning of the LAVI and the CPP is any person who, as a result of a criminal offence, has suffered direct physical, sexual or psychological harm. Examples include bodily harm, rape, sexual abuse of a child, a traffic accident, a death threat, kidnapping or robbery.

It is not necessary for the perpetrator of the offence to be discovered, for his behaviour to be culpable or for him to have acted intentionally. Furthermore, it is not necessary to file a criminal complaint in order to meet with us.

The LAVI and the CPP guarantee special rights to victims of crime and their next of kin (the victim’s spouse, children and father or mother):

LAVI counselling centres offer a confidential and free service. They advise victims and their families, help them assert their rights and refer them to specialist professionals (lawyers, psychologists, doctors, etc.). Interviews are by appointment only.



Rue des Vergers 1, 1950 Sion

The OHG is the abbreviation for the Federal Act on Assistance to Victims of Crime. The OHG came into force on 1 January 1993.

A victim within the meaning of the OHG and the StPO is any person whose physical, sexual or psychological integrity has been directly affected by a criminal offence. This may include, for example, assault, rape, sexual acts with a child, traffic accident, death threat, deprivation of liberty, robbery, etc.

It is not necessary for the perpetrator of the offence to have been identified, for the perpetrator to have acted culpably or intentionally. Furthermore, filing a criminal complaint is not required in order to contact us.

The OAA and the OCP guarantee certain rights to victims of crime and their relatives (partner, children, parents of the victim):

The victim support advice centres offer a confidential service free of charge. They advise victims and their relatives, help them to assert their rights and refer them to specialists (lawyers, psychologists, doctors, etc.). Meetings take place only by appointment.

Alternative-Violence is a Caritas-Valais service, mandated by the canton of Valais through the Office cantonal de l’égalité et de la famille (Cantonal Office for Equality and the Family), to monitor women and men who use violence within the couple and/or the family, or to help those who are afraid of acting out. This violence can be physical, verbal, psychological, economic or sexual.

Alternative-Violence offers voluntary socio-therapeutic support to perpetrators of domestic violence and their families, with the aim of reducing repeat offences. In addition, in the French-speaking part of Valais, we organise thecompulsory interview with any person evicted from their home by the police because of domestic violence.


Siège de Caritas Valais

Rue de Loèche 19
Case postale 2056
1950 Sion

Since 2005, the 1, 2, 3… SOLEIL association has been combating child abuse through preventive and informative communication campaigns.


Association 1,2,3… Soleil
Chemin de la Pépinière 54
1093 La Conversion

We welcome anyone, with or without children, who is a victim of domestic violence of a physical, sexual, psychological, economic or social nature in an emergency situation, to offer them a listening ear and safety.


Place Centrale 2
1920 Martigny

Accompanied visits:


Association le Trait d’Union


1950 Sion

We accompany children of detainees to visiting rooms, welcome families before and after visits, and offer support to relatives of people in detention.

Addresses of our offices:

Rue du Tunnel 1, 1005 Lausanne

Rue de la Madeleine 10, 1204 Genève

Route de la Gare 27, 1786 Bas-Vully