In particular, it is responsible for:
– Guaranteeing social assistance to all persons who request it during their period of pre-trial detention or execution of sentence
– Organising animation and training activities at the cantonal prison facilities
– guaranteeing support for the children of detained persons, through the Thumbelina internal service – taking charge of cases entrusted to it by the competent criminal authorities (Judges for Coercive Measures, Courts, Public Ministry, authorities of other cantons)
The office also ensures the execution of external sentences, carried out in the form of electronic monitoring (EM) and community service (LUP)
Finally, the office ensures support and advice in the field of Domestic Violence (VD).
In this area it takes on the counselling and support of persons who have, or are alleged to have, experienced domestic violence.
Piazza Molino Nuovo 15
6901 Lugano
The Conference for the Protection of Children and Adults (KOKES) is an intercantonal specialist and directors’ conference. It coordinates the cooperation between the cantons, with the federal government and with national organisations. It organises specialist conferences, collects statistics for the whole of Switzerland and makes professional recommendations.
The purpose of the KOKES is:
- to address and coordinate issues of civil child and adult protection and related matters;
- to promote cooperation among the cantons and with the federal government in the field of civil child and adult protection;
- to provide information and documentation to its members;
- to provide training and continuing education for people working in civil child and adult protection.
Werftestrasse 1
Case postale 2945
6002 Lucerne
The non-profit association ‘Netzwerk Kinderrechte Schweiz’ (Swiss Child Rights Network) is made up of Swiss non-governmental organisations that work to promote the recognition and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Switzerland. One of the network’s main tasks is to report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which regularly reviews the progress and obstacles to the realisation of children’s rights in Switzerland. As part of this process, the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is monitored, commented on in periodic reports and discussed in dialogue with authorities and organisations.
Bureau Réseau suisse des droits de l’enfant
c/o polsan AG
Effingerstrasse 2
CH-3011 Bern
The Child and Adult Protection Contact Point (KESCHA) is an information and counselling service for people who are affected by a child or adult protection measure. Among other things, the contact centre advises people who have questions about guardianship or proceedings by the child and adult protection authority (KESB) or the court.
Postfach 261
6330 Cham