The child protection group at the Münsterlingen Children’s Hospital deals with infants, children and adolescents who have become victims of physical or psychological abuse or sexual assault, or who are at risk of becoming victims.

The child protection group has an advisory role and does not release anyone from a duty of disclosure.

What we offer:

The child protection group meets to assess:

to advise external professionals.



Klinik für Kinder und Jugendliche
Spitalcampus 1
CH-8596 Münsterlingen

Victims of crime and their relatives can receive legal, psychological, social, medical and financial support at the victim support centres. We primarily advise people who live in Thurgau or have experienced violence here: physical, sexual or psychological violence.

BENEFO Victim Support Office Thurgau
Zürcherstrasse 149
CH-8500 Frauenfeld

Victim support concerning adults:
Telephone 052 723 48 26
Victim support concerning children/young people:
Telephone 052 723 48 23

We have been advising and treating clients on the topics of conflict and violence since 2001. We offer counselling in the following locations: AI/AR St. Gallen, GL Rapperswil, GR Chur, SG Rapperswil, St. Gallen, SH Schaffhausen, SZ Rapperswil, TG Weinfelden, ZH Zurich