Victim Support and Child Protection Unit
Fachstelle OKey
General-Guisan-Strasse 47
8400 Winterthur
Shelter and Advice Center
Rue du Controle 12
2503 Biel/Bienne
The Domestic Violence Education Centre has been offering further education and training as well as prevention and networking work since 2002. Our goal is to expand the profession-specific skills needed to deal with domestic violence. We work with schools, health institutions, companies, social services, police training academies, training institutions for social, medical and educational professions, as well as other involved parties and professional groups, such as courts and doctors.
Bildungsstelle Häusliche Gewalt
6002 Luzern
(Formerly TERRE DES FEMMES Switzerland)
Brava combats violence against women and sexism in Switzerland. In so doing, we pay special attention to people in particularly precarious situations, such as women refugees.
We counter injustices by taking various approaches: with education programmes, counselling, political work and awareness-raising work.
Standstrasse 42
CH–3014 Bern
Civil society as a key player
The Istanbul Convention gives NGOs, specialised services and other civil society players an important role in implementation and monitoring. In Switzerland, it is non-governmental and not-for-profit organisations that are responsible for a large part of the assistance provided and for the protection institutions for people affected by violence. Under the Convention, Switzerland is obliged to encourage these organisations and to develop cooperation with them. Given their experience in the field, NGOs and specialised services are the main partners of the body responsible for evaluation, GREVIO, insofar as it is to this body that they report on the situation in their respective countries.
The Conference for the Protection of Children and Adults (KOKES) is an intercantonal specialist and directors’ conference. It coordinates the cooperation between the cantons, with the federal government and with national organisations. It organises specialist conferences, collects statistics for the whole of Switzerland and makes professional recommendations.
The purpose of the KOKES is:
- to address and coordinate issues of civil child and adult protection and related matters;
- to promote cooperation among the cantons and with the federal government in the field of civil child and adult protection;
- to provide information and documentation to its members;
- to provide training and continuing education for people working in civil child and adult protection.
Werftestrasse 1
Case postale 2945
6002 Lucerne
The non-profit association ‘Netzwerk Kinderrechte Schweiz’ (Swiss Child Rights Network) is made up of Swiss non-governmental organisations that work to promote the recognition and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Switzerland. One of the network’s main tasks is to report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which regularly reviews the progress and obstacles to the realisation of children’s rights in Switzerland. As part of this process, the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is monitored, commented on in periodic reports and discussed in dialogue with authorities and organisations.
Bureau Réseau suisse des droits de l’enfant
c/o polsan AG
Effingerstrasse 2
CH-3011 Bern
The Child and Adult Protection Contact Point (KESCHA) is an information and counselling service for people who are affected by a child or adult protection measure. Among other things, the contact centre advises people who have questions about guardianship or proceedings by the child and adult protection authority (KESB) or the court.
Postfach 261
6330 Cham
The service is aimed at children, adolescents and young adults who have experienced violence. They receive immediate and uncomplicated help and advice. However, it is also open to relatives, trusted individuals and professionals. The counselling is free of charge, confidential and also anonymous.
In its women’s shelter, the Fondation Armée du Salut Switzerland offers a safe haven to women in distress aged 18 and over and their children. Here, women affected by physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence find protection and calm. The length of stay varies according to individual needs.
As well as safe accommodation at a secret address, we offer women professional advice and support. Together, we plan the next steps and work out new prospects for the future and life, step by step.
In addition to personal counselling, our services include support in the referral system and socio-therapeutic services for women and children. We also offer children’s play activities on a daily basis.
Frauenhaus Heilsarmee
Stiftung Heilsarmee Schweiz