Les Boréales counselling is for anyone (children, adolescents, adults, the elderly) who has suffered or committed violence and/or sexual abuse within the family. It is therefore aimed at families/couples caught up in violent interactions, as well as families or adolescents under court order for negligence, ill-treatment or sexual abuse.
The centre offers a range of services, including individual, couple and family therapy, guidance and support, home visits and discussion groups.
Consultations are by prior appointment only. At the request of professionals, consultations can be arranged at short notice.


Centre de consultation Les Boréales
Avenue de Recordon 40
1004 Lausanne

The Office of Rehabilitation Assistance generally performs a socio-educational function, working in the penal and post-penal environment.
In particular, it is responsible for:
– Guaranteeing social assistance to all persons who request it during their period of pre-trial detention or execution of sentence
– Organising animation and training activities at the cantonal prison facilities
– guaranteeing support for the children of detained persons, through the Thumbelina internal service – taking charge of cases entrusted to it by the competent criminal authorities (Judges for Coercive Measures, Courts, Public Ministry, authorities of other cantons)
The office also ensures the execution of external sentences, carried out in the form of electronic monitoring (EM) and community service (LUP)
Finally, the office ensures support and advice in the field of Domestic Violence (VD).
In this area it takes on the counselling and support of persons who have, or are alleged to have, experienced domestic violence.
Ufficio dell’assistenza riabilitativa
Piazza Molino Nuovo 15
6901 Lugano

The Domestic Violence Advice Centre offers specific counselling for perpetrators of domestic violence.


Amt für Justizvollzug

Beratungsstelle Häusliche Gewalt für gewaltausübende Personen
Oberer Graben 38
9001 St.Gallen

If you find conflicts, behaviours or feelings of any kind unbearable, we will find a way out together. Since 2004, I have been supporting individuals and groups in German, English, Spanish and French with:


Andreas Treier-Steiner


Chäppeliacher 2

6210 Sursee

We take perpetrators seriously. Our counselling services for violent individuals include telephone counselling, crisis intervention and one-on-one counselling. If needed, we can also refer you to therapeutic counselling services. We support violent individuals in developing non-violent ways of dealing with conflict. We work confidentially. Our counselling services are free of charge.


Beratungsstelle für gewaltausübende Personen


157001 Chur

The Domestic Violence Intervention Centre (DVIC) is the cantonal agency for violence within marriage, partnerships and families. Domestic violence is physical, psychological or sexual violence that is carried out or threatened, and has serious consequences for the victims. Stopping violence, protecting victims and holding perpetrators accountable – these are the main objectives of the cantonal measures to curb violence in close social environments. Domestic violence is not a private matter. The IST is the specialised point of contact and stands for a consistent zero tolerance policy towards domestic violence. The intervention centre is responsible for coordination and networking, data collection and impact monitoring. The IST advises and trains institutions that deal with the phenomenon of domestic violence. In addition, the intervention centre has been responsible for the successful implementation of the learning programme for violent men for over 10 years.


Interventionsstelle gegen häusliche Gewalt

Sicherheitsdirektion BL
Allee 9
4410 Liestal

Trainings, workshops and counseling for respectful and non-violent conflict-solving (English / Deutsch).

The Service de lutte contre la violence domestique (SLVD) organises consultations on violence. These are offered as part of a prevention programme in the form of individual interviews or discussion groups. They are aimed at people who have resorted to violence or are afraid of doing so, and who want to learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

The AHG-Aargau is the cantonal point of contact for domestic violence. The AHG contacts all parties involved following a police intervention due to domestic violence. It advises and informs self- and third-party reporters about support services and how to proceed. If children are involved, the child protection groups are consulted. The AHG also offers a learning programme or violence counselling for perpetrators of violence, especially if an official order or recommendation has been issued.

We have been advising and treating clients on the topics of conflict and violence since 2001. We offer counselling in the following locations: AI/AR St. Gallen, GL Rapperswil, GR Chur, SG Rapperswil, St. Gallen, SH Schaffhausen, SZ Rapperswil, TG Weinfelden, ZH Zurich