Have you or your next of kin been the victim of a crime? Have you been involved in an accident in which a third party was also involved?
The Grisons Victim Support Service advises and supports women, men, children and young people affected by violence. We provide confidential and anonymous advice free of charge and anonymously if you so wish.
You can also contact us if you have not filed a criminal complaint.
We will also advise you if the offence is no longer subject to a statute of limitations.



Opferhilfe Graubünden



57000 Chur


Victim support is there for victims of violent crimes of a physical, psychological or sexual nature, as well as for road traffic accident victims. It also advises close relatives or caregivers of victims of violence:



Departement Volkswirtschaft und Inneres
Bahnhofstrasse 13
8762 Schwanden

On this site, you will find information, advice, procedures and useful addresses for people who have been the victim of a criminal offence that has directly harmed them. The site is also aimed at victims’ families and professionals.



Centre de consultation LAVI

Boulevard Saint-Georges 72
1205 Genève

Vista is a victim support centre recognised by the Canton of Bern under the Victim Support Act (VSA).
The Vista advice centre is part of the Foundation against Violence towards Women and Children.
Consultations are free of charge.
The employees are bound to secrecy.
Appointments for consultations must be booked by telephone.
Consultations are also possible by telephone and anonymously.


Bälliz 49

3600 Thun

LAVI counselling centre staff provide free advice and support to victims of crime. They provide legal, psychological, social, material and medical assistance, either themselves or through third parties. They inform victims and their next of kin about their rights in criminal proceedings and the procedures for compensation and moral reparation in accordance with the Victims Assistance Act.



Centre de consultation LAVI Berne

Seftigenstrasse 41

3007 Bern

Victim support centre for victims of sexualised violence
Lantana is a victim support centre recognised by the Canton of Bern under the Victim Support Act (OHG).
The Lantana advice centre is part of the Foundation against Violence towards Women and Children.
Consultations are free of charge.
The staff are bound to confidentiality.
Appointments for consultations must be booked by telephone.
Consultations are also possible online, by telephone and anonymously.



Aarbergergasse 36

3011 Bern

Have you experienced violence? Were you injured in an accident? Is someone close to you affected by violence? We offer information, advice and support.

We provide information

We provide advice

We provide support



Teufener Strasse 11


9001 St. Gallen

Support, listening and counselling according to the OPTION QUEBEC protocol, an alternative to violence / Regular follow-up at least once a week, in the form of a 21-session protocol, lasting an average of 6 months.


Case postale 1645
2001 Neuchâtel 1


Violence counselling and phaemotherapy


Coaching and training


Klosterberg 11

4051 Basel

We offer intervention and counselling for victims of domestic violence. Violence can manifest itself as physical and/or psychological power, particularly in disputes over visiting rights as power of disposition over joint children. We see ourselves as an organisation for child and youth welfare and work with all victims of violence in the family system. Depending on the case, we provide counselling in individual or group/family settings.
Our counselling is demand-oriented and specifically geared to forms of violent conflict in close relationships. We support family systems, couples or individuals and initiate change processes towards a non-violent conflict culture. Our counselling is structured, methodically broad and geared towards effectiveness.



Fachberatung Häusliche Gewalt
Industriestrasse 3
8610 Uster