DAO is the umbrella organisation of women’s shelters in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and offers its many years of expertise on the subject of domestic violence.
Dachorganisation der Frauenhäuser Schweiz und Liechtenstein
PO Box 2309
3001 Bern
The Basel Women’s Shelter is the most important institution in the region for women affected by violence, with or without children. The location is not publicly known for security reasons.
The women’s shelter can be reached day and night by calling 061 681 66 33. It is always possible to get advice over the phone, which is confidential and does not commit you to anything. You can find more information at: www.frauenhaus-basel.ch. The website is in many languages.
Address: P.O. Box, 4002 Basel
The quickest way to contact us is to call the free number 147.
This is how it works:
You call, you hear a short recorded message, then it rings at our house.
Take a breath, we’ll take your call soon.
Don’t worry about what to say. We will listen to you, no matter how big or small your problem is.
The Swiss Professional Association for Counselling against Violence (APSCV/FVGS) is the umbrella organisation for institutions and specialists working with people who use violence in the home.
Founded in 2010, its aim and that of its members is to enable families, couples and individuals affected by violence to (re)find a life of non-violence and security in their daily lives.
Case postale
3000 Berne
We offer listening, information and support to those affected.
Our association also has a shelter for women and their children in need of safety.
Rue de Lausanne 91
P.O. Box 538
1701 Fribourg