The BBT are for children of separated, divorced, single parents or parents living in other conflict-ridden circumstances in the canton of Aargau.
Parents who are confronted with particular separation, divorce or other conflicts and are unable to exercise visiting rights independently in the best interests of the child are offered a protected framework for exercising visiting rights under professional supervision.
Address Aarau:
Konradstrasse 3
5000 Aarau
Address Baden:
Tageshort TaBa Kornhaus
Kronengasse 10
5400 Baden
There are circumstances in which children whose parents are separated cannot meet one parent alone. The BBT enables children between the ages of two and twelve to have contact with the parent living away from home. The BBT takes place twice a month on Sundays from 11 am to 5 pm in a child-friendly and safe location. The parents are supported by our specialists within the framework of the agreements made. The aim is for the children to be able to visit their parents independently in the future. The programme is usually limited to one year.
Tagesheim Stampfi
General-Guisanstrasse 24
6300 Zug
‘’ has been offering qualified individual counselling within the framework of supervised visiting rights since 2010.
Individual accompaniment offers children and their parents the opportunity to spend time together in a
to spend time together in a protected and supervised setting.
The child’s well-being and safety are the main focus.
The website also presents existing ‘BBT meeting points’ in the respective cantons.
Wädenswilerstrasse 7
8712 Stäfa
We support women and children in breaking free from violence and in dealing with their experiences. We are committed and take action in visible, invisible and sustainable ways.
Aarbergergasse 36
3011 Bern
We provide support that is free, confidential and anonymous – all over Switzerland
List of consultation centers for victim assistance by canton.
to provide psychosocial and therapeutic assistance to victims of domestic violence and their children, as well as to sensitize the public and professionals to this problem.
We offer a confidential and secure place to stay for a limited period of time (six months). Children are welcome and your stay will be supervised (individual interviews, discussion groups, mother-child interviews).
Rue de Montchoisy 46
1207 Genève
The Agredis association offers the following:
- hotline
- individual and group advice
- further training, specialist advice and coaching
- advice by email
- services under the service agreements with the cantons of Central Switzerland.
Agredis Gewaltberatung
Unterlachenstrasse 12
6005 Luzern
If you are in an acute situation of violence, contact the police on the emergency number 117.
You are safe with us and will find peace to plan your next steps with our support. We will provide information and advice about your legal options, accompany you to appointments and connect you to other professionals. We will support you with issues relating to raising your children and the children will regularly be looked after by professionals.
Postfach 2329
5001 Aarau
DAO is the umbrella organisation of women’s shelters in Switzerland and Liechtenstein and offers its many years of expertise on the subject of domestic violence.
Dachorganisation der Frauenhäuser Schweiz und Liechtenstein
PO Box 2309
3001 Bern
The Basel Women’s Shelter is the most important institution in the region for women affected by violence, with or without children. The location is not publicly known for security reasons.
The women’s shelter can be reached day and night by calling 061 681 66 33. It is always possible to get advice over the phone, which is confidential and does not commit you to anything. You can find more information at: The website is in many languages.
Address: P.O. Box, 4002 Basel