- You or someone close to you has been the victim of an offence, such as assault, rape, sexual coercion or abuse, acts of violence or a road traffic accident.
- You have suffered direct physical, psychological or sexual harm as a result of this offence
- You have been the victim of domestic or family violence
You can contact the SAVI, even if you do not intend to lodge a complaint.
The domestic violence helpline +41 32 886 46 36 is open every day
from 14:00 to 21:00, except Saturdays from 9:00 to 12:00 and Sundays from 18:00 to 21:00.
Rue des Poudrières 135 | 2000 Neuchâtel
Rue Daniel-Jeanrichard 43| case postale 1394 | 2301 La Chaux-de-Fonds
Support, listening and counselling according to the OPTION QUEBEC protocol, an alternative to violence / Regular follow-up at least once a week, in the form of a 21-session protocol, lasting an average of 6 months.
Case postale 1645
2001 Neuchâtel 1
The Service for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence (SAVC) is a functional unit of the Centre Neuchâtelois de Psychiatrie (CNP).
The SAVC offers people who have been violent towards their partner individual interviews and therapeutic group work with counsellors trained in this specific field. SAVC helps men and women put an end to domestic violence, whether physical, psychological, sexual, social or economic.
2074 Marin-Epagnier
Since 2005, the 1, 2, 3… SOLEIL association has been combating child abuse through preventive and informative communication campaigns.
Association 1,2,3… Soleil
Chemin de la Pépinière 54
1093 La Conversion
Located at the Maison de l’Enfance in Neuchâtel, the Point Rencontre organises parent-child access rights in cases of conflictual separation, to enable children to maintain or re-establish links with the parent from whom they are separated.
Rue du Tertre 2
2000 Neuchâtel
The aim of this service is to provide a place and support in situations where a child and his or her parent have difficulty maintaining contact with each other.
Rue Jardinière 121
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds.
Its mission is to support families in the aftermath of upheaval (parental separation, bereavement, serious illness, mental illness), giving them the opportunity to remobilize and acquire the resources and skills they need to regain their strength and ability to live life to the full.
As’trame Vaud / 021 648 56 56 / info@astrame.ch / Place de la Riponne 1, 1005 Lausanne
As’trame Genève / 022 340 17 37 / geneve@astrame.ch / Rue du Léopard 3, 1227 Carouge
As’trame Valais / 027 552 20 25 / valais@astrame.ch / Chemin des Collines 2B, 1950 Sion
As’trame Arc (Neuchâtel- Bern – Jura) / 032 552 70 60 / arc@astrame.ch / Rue du Château 21, 2000 Neuchâtel
As’trame Fribourg / 026 322 10 14 / astramefribourg@officefamilial.ch / Avenue de la Gare 14, 1700 Fribourg