Since 2005, the 1, 2, 3… SOLEIL association has been combating child abuse through preventive and informative communication campaigns.


Association 1,2,3… Soleil
Chemin de la Pépinière 54
1093 La Conversion is a professionally run advice platform for young people in German-speaking Switzerland. It is politically and religiously neutral. Experts answer the personal and everyday questions of young people seeking advice in writing within a maximum of three working days.
Since 2007, has been sponsored by, the Swiss children and youth development organisation.

We provide support that is free, confidential and anonymous – all over Switzerland

List of consultation centers for victim assistance by canton.

The Agredis association offers the following:


Agredis Gewaltberatung
Unterlachenstrasse 12
6005 Luzern

The Association is committed to helping all people living in Switzerland who are confronted with domestic violence, whether they are victims, perpetrators, family members or professionals, or witnesses, regardless of their age or sexual orientation.

VIOLENCE QUE FAIRE is an association that aims to prevent intimate partner violence and offers advice and support to all concerned.

Through its website, the Association offers a platform full of information aimed at helping, guiding and encouraging anyone concerned by domestic violence to break the silence. This information is also very useful for all the professional services that meet these people.

The site offers a professional, anonymous, personalised and free online counselling service with a response time of three working days.

This service is provided by professionals from the partner institutions Solidarité Femmes Bienne (BE), Solidarité Femmes – Centre LAVI FR (FR), EX-pression (FR), Point du Jour (VS), Centre d’accueil MalleyPrairie (VD), Centre Prévention de l’AIe (VD), Centre LAVI VD (VD). A psychologist, hired by the Association, reinforces this team.