Heime Auf Berg AG offers a unique range of services in north-west Switzerland for the care and support of toddlers, children, young people, women and families.
We have a modern infrastructure and a total of 130 residential and care places at various locations in the cantons of Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt.
- Children and youth group
- Outpatient residential support
- Family support
- Accompanied visits
- Mother-child house
- Women’s residential group
Heime Auf Berg AG
Rebhaldenstrasse 25
4411 Seltisberg BL
Accompanied visits:
- is a method of restricting personal relations, implemented only if there are concrete indications that the child’s welfare is at risk.
- Its aim is to enable the child to maintain a link with his or her parent(s) under the guidance and supervision of professionals, so that he or she can learn to live with the specific characteristics and limitations of the parent(s) (psychological difficulties, problems of dependency, impaired cognitive ability, abuse, etc.).
- is a tool for protecting the child and managing the parent-child relationship.
- is decided by the child and adult protection authorities (APEA) and implemented by a child protection worker (IPE).
- is set up in the event of abuse, neglect, various problems (mental disorder, addiction, etc.) or a high-conflict separation. The IPE sets the framework and objectives for the visits, monitors progress and draws up reports for the APEA.
- is visitation rights with the constant presence of an accompanying professional according to objectives and procedures defined by the child’s curator.
Association le Trait d’Union
1950 Sion
We accompany children of detainees to visiting rooms, welcome families before and after visits, and offer support to relatives of people in detention.
Addresses of our offices:
Rue du Tunnel 1, 1005 Lausanne
Rue de la Madeleine 10, 1204 Genève
Route de la Gare 27, 1786 Bas-Vully
Point Rencontre provides a protected space for children to maintain or re-establish links with their estranged parent. It is a working space that enables the child to be in contact with both parents, beyond the conflicts linked to their separation.
Our role
- Promote the establishment, resumption or maintenance of contact between the child and the parent with whom he or she does not live
- To support the child-parent relationship
- To promote parenting skills
- Support the relationship with a view to unimpeded access.
Exercising visiting rights
Meetings can take place according to models adapted to each situation:
- 2-hour meetings on the premises
- visits lasting 3 or 6 hours with permission to leave the premises
- visits with permission to leave the premises from Saturday to Sunday morning
- a place to pick up the child at the end of the week and bring him/her back on Sunday (drop-offs).
Prior interviews with each parent
Access to Point Rencontre is based on a court order. Each of the parents is received for an interview prior to setting up visits.
Fondation Jeunesse & Familles (FJF)
Ch. des Champs-Courbes 25a
Case postale 95
1024 Ecublens
Le Point Rencontre offre un lieu d’accueil et un accompagnement favorisant le maintien ou la reprise de la relation entre un enfant et le parent avec lequel il ne vit plus quotidiennement. Il aide aussi à maintenir les liens entre les parents naturels et leurs enfants placés en famille d’accueil.
Point Rencontre
Rue de Gravelone 3
1950 Sion
Located at the Maison de l’Enfance in Neuchâtel, the Point Rencontre organises parent-child access rights in cases of conflictual separation, to enable children to maintain or re-establish links with the parent from whom they are separated.
Rue du Tertre 2
2000 Neuchâtel
The aim of this service is to provide a place and support in situations where a child and his or her parent have difficulty maintaining contact with each other.
Rue Jardinière 121
2300 La Chaux-de-Fonds.
The Point Rencontre – Jura Bernois provides children with a third, protected and secure space in which to exercise their visiting rights or exchange information between parents. It enables them to create, enrich and maintain a bond with the parent who does not share their daily life. The Point Rencontre is a transitional space where relationships can change and evolve, with the idea that meetings without intermediaries will one day be possible.
Grand Rue 16
2710 Tavannes
The Point Rencontre is a service that allows supervised visits. It offers two different types of support, supervised visits in a specially equipped area and accompanied visits outside institutional walls.
The Point Rencontre is aimed at any family situation where a separation has made it difficult, or even interrupted, a child’s relationship with his or her parent(s) or with other members of his or her family of origin.
This service is free of charge.
Creux-de-la-Terre 1
The ‘Point Rencontre’ is a working space for parents with an access order when no other solution is possible, with the aim of enabling the child to meet both parents, beyond the difficulties linked to their separation.
The aim is to enable the child to structure and develop with the parents who are his or her own and in the conditions of security that are his or her due.
Rue des Charmilles 26
1203 Genève