The service is aimed at children, adolescents and young adults who have experienced violence. They receive immediate and uncomplicated help and advice. However, it is also open to relatives, trusted individuals and professionals. The counselling is free of charge, confidential and also anonymous.



Kokon – Available 24/24
Gemeindestrasse 48
8032 Zürich

In its women’s shelter, the Fondation Armée du Salut Switzerland offers a safe haven to women in distress aged 18 and over and their children. Here, women affected by physical, sexual, psychological or financial violence find protection and calm. The length of stay varies according to individual needs.
As well as safe accommodation at a secret address, we offer women professional advice and support. Together, we plan the next steps and work out new prospects for the future and life, step by step.
In addition to personal counselling, our services include support in the referral system and socio-therapeutic services for women and children. We also offer children’s play activities on a daily basis.



Frauenhaus Heilsarmee
Stiftung Heilsarmee Schweiz

For over a century, the Cœur des Grottes has offered shelter and biopsychosocial support to all women who are victims of violence or human trafficking. A helping hand towards reconstruction.



Rue de l’Industrie 14
1201 Genève

We welcome anyone, with or without children, who is a victim of domestic violence of a physical, sexual, psychological, economic or social nature in an emergency situation, to offer them a listening ear and safety.


Place Centrale 2
1920 Martigny

Pharos- Genève is for men who are experiencing domestic violence, regardless of their sexual orientation, origin or religion.
Pharos-Genève offers direct contact and an attentive listening so that you can express yourself, be heard and benefit from specific support according to your needs and wishes.



40 rue du Stand
1204 Genève

We accompany children of detainees to visiting rooms, welcome families before and after visits, and offer support to relatives of people in detention.

Addresses of our offices:

Rue du Tunnel 1, 1005 Lausanne

Rue de la Madeleine 10, 1204 Genève

Route de la Gare 27, 1786 Bas-Vully

Mediation – our services:

Address Vaud:

Rue de la Scierie 2, 1148 Villars-Bozon (L’Isle)

Address Geneva:

IFREP Centre de Formation, Rue de Lyon 12, 1201 Geneva

Its mission is to support families in the aftermath of upheaval (parental separation, bereavement, serious illness, mental illness), giving them the opportunity to remobilize and acquire the resources and skills they need to regain their strength and ability to live life to the full.

As’trame Vaud / 021 648 56 56 / / Place de la Riponne 1, 1005 Lausanne

As’trame Genève / 022 340 17 37 / / Rue du Léopard 3, 1227 Carouge

As’trame Valais / 027 552 20 25 / / Chemin des Collines 2B, 1950 Sion

As’trame Arc (Neuchâtel- Bern – Jura) / 032 552 70 60 / / Rue du Château 21, 2000 Neuchâtel

As’trame Fribourg / 026 322 10 14 / / Avenue de la Gare 14, 1700 Fribourg

The Agredis association offers the following:


Agredis Gewaltberatung
Unterlachenstrasse 12
6005 Luzern