Schlössli Basel – youth home for women

The Schlössli Basel is a socio-educational institution for adolescent women.
The Schlössli Basel is part of the social commitment of the Salvation Army Switzerland foundation. The institution offers living space for 22 female adolescents between the ages of 12 and 23. Our offer is aimed at normally gifted young people with behavioural or integration difficulties.
The services offered by the Schlössli Basel  include both in-patient accommodation for young people and residential support in internal studios or in their own flats.



Jugendheim für Frauen

Eichhornstrasse 21
4059 Basel

The Sonnhalde children’s home in Münsingen provides a safe and loving home for 24 children and young people aged between 0 and 18 years.
Our committed team of experienced educational specialists looks after the children and young people all year round and supports them in their daily lives. Often, the children come to us because, for various reasons, they can no longer live in their family structures. At Sonnhalde, we offer them a protected environment in which they can grow emotionally and socially and develop new perspectives for their lives.



Kinderheim Sonnhalde

Standweg 7
3110 Münsingen

The Holee children’s house in Basel is a socio-educational institution for children from birth to the end of their primary school years.
The Holee children’s house is part of the social commitment of the Salvation Army Switzerland foundation. The facility offers space for the residential accommodation of 26 children. Three additional places are reserved for the emergency placement of minors.
The children are cared for by experienced and qualified social education workers and trainee staff. We care for the children on the basis of an individual support and development plan. The child’s well-being is always the top priority in all educational measures. We establish an environment with family-like structures in which the children find protection and security.



Kinderhaus Holee

Nenzlingerstrasse 4

4054 Basel


Heime Auf Berg AG offers a unique range of services in north-west Switzerland for the care and support of toddlers, children, young people, women and families.

We have a modern infrastructure and a total of 130 residential and care places at various locations in the cantons of Basel-Landschaft and Basel-Stadt.




Heime Auf Berg AG

Rebhaldenstrasse 25
4411 Seltisberg BL

You need help? You want to leave home?

Then you’ve come to the right place.

We’ll listen to you and take you seriously. Together with you, we’ll look for solutions and consider how your situation can be improved. If you can’t take it at home anymore, you can also stay with us at the Schlupfhuus for a while.




Schlupfhuus Zürich
Schön­bühl­strasse 8
8032 Zürich



Chemin de la Prairie 34
1007 Lausanne

Victim Support and Child Protection Unit



Fachstelle OKey
General-Guisan-Strasse 47
8400 Winterthur

Shelter and Advice Center



Rue du Controle 12
2503 Biel/Bienne

(Formerly TERRE DES FEMMES Switzerland)

Brava combats violence against women and sexism in Switzerland. In so doing, we pay special attention to people in particularly precarious situations, such as women refugees.

We counter injustices by taking various approaches: with education programmes, counselling, political work and awareness-raising work.



Standstrasse 42
CH–3014 Bern

The Child and Adult Protection Contact Point (KESCHA) is an information and counselling service for people who are affected by a child or adult protection measure. Among other things, the contact centre advises people who have questions about guardianship or proceedings by the child and adult protection authority (KESB) or the court.



Dörflistrasse 50
8050 Zürich