OLEJ’s main mission is to document and monitor developments in the situation of children and young people and the public policies that affect them, with the aim of strengthening children’s rights and anticipating future developments.
Our mission:
- Develop knowledge
- Share knowledge
- Promote coordination
Av. Tissot 2bis
1006 Lausanne
Civil society as a key player
The Istanbul Convention gives NGOs, specialised services and other civil society players an important role in implementation and monitoring. In Switzerland, it is non-governmental and not-for-profit organisations that are responsible for a large part of the assistance provided and for the protection institutions for people affected by violence. Under the Convention, Switzerland is obliged to encourage these organisations and to develop cooperation with them. Given their experience in the field, NGOs and specialised services are the main partners of the body responsible for evaluation, GREVIO, insofar as it is to this body that they report on the situation in their respective countries.
The non-profit association ‘Netzwerk Kinderrechte Schweiz’ (Swiss Child Rights Network) is made up of Swiss non-governmental organisations that work to promote the recognition and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Switzerland. One of the network’s main tasks is to report to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, which regularly reviews the progress and obstacles to the realisation of children’s rights in Switzerland. As part of this process, the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is monitored, commented on in periodic reports and discussed in dialogue with authorities and organisations.
Bureau Réseau suisse des droits de l’enfant
c/o polsan AG
Effingerstrasse 2
CH-3011 Bern
The Swiss Professional Association for Counselling against Violence (APSCV/FVGS) is the umbrella organisation for institutions and specialists working with people who use violence in the home.
Founded in 2010, its aim and that of its members is to enable families, couples and individuals affected by violence to (re)find a life of non-violence and security in their daily lives.
Case postale
3000 Berne