On this site, you will find information, advice, procedures and useful addresses for people who have been the victim of a criminal offence that has directly harmed them. The site is also aimed at victims’ families and professionals.
Centre de consultation LAVI
Boulevard Saint-Georges 72
1205 Genève
Vista is a victim support centre recognised by the Canton of Bern under the Victim Support Act (VSA).
The Vista advice centre is part of the Foundation against Violence towards Women and Children.
Consultations are free of charge.
The employees are bound to secrecy.
Appointments for consultations must be booked by telephone.
Consultations are also possible by telephone and anonymously.
Bälliz 49
3600 Thun
A criminal offence as defined by the Victim Support Act can
have a significant impact on the life of the person concerned and cause them great distress. Often, relatives are also involved. It is important to get support and assistance at an early stage.
Are you directly affected or are you a relative of a person affected by violence and do you have questions that are bothering you? We advise and support you in legal, psychological, social, material or medical matters.
In addition to personal consultations, we also offer telephone counselling and respond to email enquiries.
Centre de consultation LAVI Bienne
Rue de l’Argent 4
2502 Bienne
LAVI counselling centre staff provide free advice and support to victims of crime. They provide legal, psychological, social, material and medical assistance, either themselves or through third parties. They inform victims and their next of kin about their rights in criminal proceedings and the procedures for compensation and moral reparation in accordance with the Victims Assistance Act.
Centre de consultation LAVI Berne
Seftigenstrasse 41
3007 Bern
Victim support centre for victims of sexualised violence
Lantana is a victim support centre recognised by the Canton of Bern under the Victim Support Act (OHG).
The Lantana advice centre is part of the Foundation against Violence towards Women and Children.
Consultations are free of charge.
The staff are bound to confidentiality.
Appointments for consultations must be booked by telephone.
Consultations are also possible online, by telephone and anonymously.
Aarbergergasse 36
3011 Bern
Have you experienced violence? Were you injured in an accident? Is someone close to you affected by violence? We offer information, advice and support.
We provide information
- about your rights under the Victim Support Act and criminal law
- about options under civil law in the event of domestic violence and/or stalking
- about the course of criminal proceedings
- about social and liability insurance benefits
We provide advice
- on the phone and in personal meetings
- on how to cope with experiences of violence
- protection and safety issues
- the question of whether you should press criminal charges
- insurance issues
We provide support
- in finding specialists for legal, therapeutic and medical assistance
- in asserting financial claims
- in civil law submissions following domestic violence and/or stalking
- in questions that arise for you in criminal proceedings
Teufener Strasse 11
9001 St. Gallen
Violence is a much more prevalent part of everyday life today than we tend to think. Whether physical, sexual or psychological, violence against children and young people takes many forms. In such situations, young victims often don’t know who to turn to or who will protect them from further assault in the future. It was for this reason that the Eastern Switzerland Children’s Hospital set up the Kinderschutzzentrum (KSZ) child protection centre 20 years ago.
The child protection centre has a vision of a world in which children and young people can develop protected from violence and abuse. The child protection centre shares this vision with all those affected and offers them comprehensive and personal help.
Falkensteinstrasse 84
9006 St.Gallen
Rattaché au Service de pédiatrie du CHUV, le CAN Team (Child Abuse and Neglect Team) apporte un soutien aux professionnels dans la protection de l’enfant et de l’adolescent par la détection, l’évaluation et l’orientation des situations de maltraitance physique et / ou psychologique, de négligence et d’actes d’ordre sexuel. Il travaille en étroite collaboration avec les services du CHUV et du canton de Vaud.
Nous apportons notre soutien aux professionnels dans :
- la prévention de la maltraitance par une évaluation en réseau des vulnérabilités des familles, telles que problème d’addiction, maladie psychiatrique, violence dans le couple, précarité.
- la détection de la maltraitance en apportant des compétences cliniques interdisciplinaires.
- l’orientation vers les mesures visant à la protection du développement de l’enfant et l’adolescent.
Nous nous impliquons dans :
- la formation des professionnels concernés
- la recherche clinique, en particulier épidémiologique
Les Boréales counselling is for anyone (children, adolescents, adults, the elderly) who has suffered or committed violence and/or sexual abuse within the family. It is therefore aimed at families/couples caught up in violent interactions, as well as families or adolescents under court order for negligence, ill-treatment or sexual abuse.
The centre offers a range of services, including individual, couple and family therapy, guidance and support, home visits and discussion groups.
Consultations are by prior appointment only. At the request of professionals, consultations can be arranged at short notice.
Centre de consultation Les Boréales
Avenue de Recordon 40
1004 Lausanne
We have been advising and treating clients on the topics of conflict and violence since 2001. We offer counselling in the following locations: AI/AR St. Gallen, GL Rapperswil, GR Chur, SG Rapperswil, St. Gallen, SH Schaffhausen, SZ Rapperswil, TG Weinfelden, ZH Zurich