The Service de lutte contre la violence domestique (SLVD) organises consultations on violence. These are offered as part of a prevention programme in the form of individual interviews or discussion groups. They are aimed at people who have resorted to violence or are afraid of doing so, and who want to learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

The Service for Perpetrators of Domestic Violence (SAVC) is a functional unit of the Centre Neuchâtelois de Psychiatrie (CNP).
The SAVC offers people who have been violent towards their partner individual interviews and therapeutic group work with counsellors trained in this specific field. SAVC helps men and women put an end to domestic violence, whether physical, psychological, sexual, social or economic.


2074 Marin-Epagnier

Alternative-Violence is a Caritas-Valais service, mandated by the canton of Valais through the Office cantonal de l’égalité et de la famille (Cantonal Office for Equality and the Family), to monitor women and men who use violence within the couple and/or the family, or to help those who are afraid of acting out. This violence can be physical, verbal, psychological, economic or sexual.

Alternative-Violence offers voluntary socio-therapeutic support to perpetrators of domestic violence and their families, with the aim of reducing repeat offences. In addition, in the French-speaking part of Valais, we organise thecompulsory interview with any person evicted from their home by the police because of domestic violence.


Siège de Caritas Valais

Rue de Loèche 19
Case postale 2056
1950 Sion

VIRES works in the field of domestic violence in Geneva. It helps couples and families by assisting the perpetrators of violence.


Av. Ernest-Pictet 10
CH – 1203 Genève

Help for people who are overwhelmed by their own emotions and act violently

EX-pression is aimed at adult men and women in the canton of Fribourg. Its services are also available to German and non-German speakers (with the help of interpreters).

The association offers professional listening, support and guidance to perpetrators of violence to help them overcome their excessive behaviour. In this way, they can open up to a new understanding of their experiences.



Rte de la Vignettaz 48
1700 Freiburg

Do you sometimes behave violently?
The Centre Prévention de l’Ale offers a listening ear, practical help and specialist follow-up to help you find alternatives to violent behaviour, protect your children and prevent it from continuing.
Consultations are held in Lausanne from Monday to Friday, in Yverdon-les-Bains on Thursdays and in Bex on Fridays. An interpreter may be present if necessary.


Rue de l’Ale 30

1003 Lausanne

The Agredis association offers the following:


Agredis Gewaltberatung
Unterlachenstrasse 12
6005 Luzern

The Swiss Professional Association for Counselling against Violence (APSCV/FVGS) is the umbrella organisation for institutions and specialists working with people who use violence in the home.
Founded in 2010, its aim and that of its members is to enable families, couples and individuals affected by violence to (re)find a life of non-violence and security in their daily lives.


Case postale

3000 Berne