Association for the support of victims of perverse manipulation/violence in French-speaking Switzerland.
– individual or group counselling
– discussion groups and workshops
– conferences and seminars
– help and advice for professionals

Rue de l’Alouette 6a

2710 Tavannes

The RECAP-ME association was founded in 2023 with the aim of creating a network of mothers in French-speaking Switzerland who have suffered psychological violence, and to highlight the collateral effects of violence on their children’s health.
Violence can be perpetrated by an individual or by an institution.
The aim of networking is to bring mothers out of their isolation and point them in the direction of solutions.
The association also aims to collect data on psychological violence and set up preventive actions in collaboration with other institutions.



c/o Misha Müller
Passage Pierre-qui-Roule 9
2000 Neuchâtel

The Nouveau Départ association is there to help victims of violence to take steps to escape the violence and avoid returning to it.
Our aim is to help people suffering domestic violence by offering a range of support services, including food, equipment and a listening ear. We have a 24/7 helpline staffed by volunteer responders.


Route du barrage 25

1728 Rossens

Les Boréales counselling is for anyone (children, adolescents, adults, the elderly) who has suffered or committed violence and/or sexual abuse within the family. It is therefore aimed at families/couples caught up in violent interactions, as well as families or adolescents under court order for negligence, ill-treatment or sexual abuse.
The centre offers a range of services, including individual, couple and family therapy, guidance and support, home visits and discussion groups.
Consultations are by prior appointment only. At the request of professionals, consultations can be arranged at short notice.


Centre de consultation Les Boréales
Avenue de Recordon 40
1004 Lausanne

Alternative-Violence is a Caritas-Valais service, mandated by the canton of Valais through the Office cantonal de l’égalité et de la famille (Cantonal Office for Equality and the Family), to monitor women and men who use violence within the couple and/or the family, or to help those who are afraid of acting out. This violence can be physical, verbal, psychological, economic or sexual.

Alternative-Violence offers voluntary socio-therapeutic support to perpetrators of domestic violence and their families, with the aim of reducing repeat offences. In addition, in the French-speaking part of Valais, we organise thecompulsory interview with any person evicted from their home by the police because of domestic violence.


Siège de Caritas Valais

Rue de Loèche 19
Case postale 2056
1950 Sion

VIRES works in the field of domestic violence in Geneva. It helps couples and families by assisting the perpetrators of violence.


Av. Ernest-Pictet 10
CH – 1203 Genève

Help for people who are overwhelmed by their own emotions and act violently

EX-pression is aimed at adult men and women in the canton of Fribourg. Its services are also available to German and non-German speakers (with the help of interpreters).

The association offers professional listening, support and guidance to perpetrators of violence to help them overcome their excessive behaviour. In this way, they can open up to a new understanding of their experiences.



Rte de la Vignettaz 48
1700 Freiburg

Do you sometimes behave violently?
The Centre Prévention de l’Ale offers a listening ear, practical help and specialist follow-up to help you find alternatives to violent behaviour, protect your children and prevent it from continuing.
Consultations are held in Lausanne from Monday to Friday, in Yverdon-les-Bains on Thursdays and in Bex on Fridays. An interpreter may be present if necessary.


Rue de l’Ale 30

1003 Lausanne is a professionally run advice platform for young people in German-speaking Switzerland. It is politically and religiously neutral. Experts answer the personal and everyday questions of young people seeking advice in writing within a maximum of three working days.
Since 2007, has been sponsored by, the Swiss children and youth development organisation.

The BIF is a counselling centre for women recognised by the Canton of Zurich in accordance with the Victim Support Act. We provide confidential advice free of charge – by telephone, online or on site, as requested. During the counselling, we clarify legal, social and psychological issues. Relatives and professionals are also entitled to counselling.



Quellenstrasse 31

8005 Zürich