đą A major step forward in France against domestic violence
đč Coercive control enshrined in the Criminal Code
đč A reform of the Civil Code to better protect victims and children
The National Assembly has passed a landmark law that finally recognises coercive control as a crime in France. This step forward means that :
âïž Severe criminal penalties, with up to 10 years’ imprisonment and a âŹ1 million fine. (aggravating factors: violence committed in the presence of a child, incapacity for work, disability and vulnerability)
âïž Amendments to the Civil Code to provide better protection for victims and children: inclusion of coercive control in family court rulings, restriction or withdrawal of visiting rights and parental authority in the event of conviction.
This is only the first step: what challenges remain? đ
La rĂ©cente dĂ©cision de la Cour EuropĂ©enne des Droits de lâHomme contre la France, condamnant le fait de considĂ©rer le refus de relations sexuelles comme une “faute” dans une procĂ©dure de divorce, rappelle une vĂ©ritĂ© fondamentale : «âŻtout acte sexuel non consenti est une forme de violence sexuelleâŻÂ».Â
Mais qu’en est-il en Suisse ? Petit tour dâhorizon đ

KidsToo se rĂ©jouit de l’ouverture de la nouvelle consultation mĂ©dico-lĂ©gale pour adultes victimes de violences (CMLV) aux HUG -HĂŽpitaux Universitaires de GenĂšve. Cette initiative essentielle offre aux victimes de violences domestiques un accĂšs 24/24h Ă des soins mĂ©dicaux spĂ©cialisĂ©s et Ă une documentation mĂ©dico-lĂ©gale gratuite, mĂȘme en l’absence de dĂ©pĂŽt de plainte.
đ En savoir plus : https://www.hug.ch/cmlv/adultes-victimes-violence
Cette avancĂ©e s’inscrit dans le cadre des efforts du Conseil fĂ©dĂ©ral pour renforcer l’assistance aux victimes de violences domestiques et sexuelles, garantissant ainsi une prise en charge mĂ©dicale et mĂ©dico-lĂ©gale adĂ©quate. https://www.fedpol.admin.ch/bj/fr/home/aktuell/mm.msg-id-102711.html
KidsToo souligne l’importance cruciale de telles consultations pour assurer la sĂ©curitĂ©, le soutien et la justice aux victimes. Nous encourageons toutes les personnes concernĂ©es Ă solliciter cette aide prĂ©cieuse et rappelons que des professionnels spĂ©cialement formĂ©s sont disponibles pour accompagner chaque victime sur le chemin de la reconstruction.
Alors qu’elle est encore adolescente, Carole prend ses distances avec sa famille catholique et ses valeurs traditionnelles. Solitaire et repliĂ©e sur elle-mĂȘme, elle entre Ă l’Ă©cole des beaux-arts de Nantes oĂč peu Ă peu, elle reprend confiance en elle. C’est alors qu’elle rencontre StĂ©phane. StĂ©phane est beau, plein d’assurance, et surtout, il s’intĂ©resse Ă elle. Carole tombe sous le charme et s’investit dans cette relation. Mais rapidement, elle se retrouve isolĂ©e, coupĂ©e des autres et du monde, Ă mesure que StĂ©phane, embrigadĂ© par des discours masculinistes trouvĂ©s sur internet, se transforme⊠PortĂ© par un dessin minimaliste et expressif, En territoire ennemi expose avec justesse les mĂ©canismes qui mĂšnent progressivement Ă l’isolement pour Carole et Ă l’extrĂȘme droite pour StĂ©phane. Un rĂ©cit poignant, brutal et courageux sur la domination masculine sous ses formes les plus insidieuses et radicales.
AprĂšs des Ă©tudes aux Beaux-Arts de Nantes, Carole Lobel effectue des commandes dâillustration pour la presse et la jeunesse. Elle rĂ©alise Ă©galement du character design pour le jeu vidĂ©o. InspirĂ©e par la scĂšne du dessin contemporain, En territoire ennemi, rĂ©alisĂ© au bic quatre couleurs, est sa premiĂšre bande dessinĂ©e. Carole Lobel vit et travaille Ă la campagne.
Ăditeur: L’Association
Sources: www.payot.ch et www.lassociation.fr
Violence Domestique
Apprendre Ă dire NON
Ce récit est une fiction.
Elise, professeure, vit sous lâemprise dâun mari violent, manipulateur et fanatique. Sous lâeffet de la sidĂ©ration, elle nâarrive plus Ă rĂ©agir. Les coups, les viols et les injures la tĂ©tanisent. Une ultime et extrĂȘme violence lui sauvera la vie. Elle ose enfin dire la vĂ©ritĂ© alors quâelle gĂźt au sol, brisĂ©e, blessĂ©e, en sang et anĂ©antie.
Lentement, elle réussira à faire résilience.
Anne Bornand vit Ă Morges. Elle a Ă©tĂ© juge au tribunal dâarrondissement, puis prĂ©fĂšte du district de Lausanne. Depuis sa retraite, elle sâadonne Ă lâĂ©criture. La lutte contre lâinjustice, la violence et le racisme sont au cĆur de ses romans.
Ăditeur: Ăditions Mon Village
Source: www.payot.ch
When parents separate, it is crucial not to confuse conflictual situations with those involving domestic violence. Yet this confusion persists, even among child protection workers.
đ Why is this important?
These two contexts require completely different approaches. A poor assessment can have serious consequences:
Training and coordinating professionals is essential!
đAn overview of the report of the Latin Observatory for Children and Youth (2024) in the carousel below.
đ Link to the full report (FR) HERE
Switzerland is desperately short of places in women’s shelters
The recent report by SRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen) highlights an alarming reality: women’s shelters full to bursting, a lack of coordination between the cantons, and a political promise to combat domestic violence that often goes unheeded.
The Federal Council and several cantons have recognised the importance of combating domestic violence. In 2018, Switzerland also ratified the Istanbul Convention. But the resources needed to protect victims are not forthcoming. Until sufficient resources are allocated to provide safe accommodation, it is the women and their children who will pay the price.
However, effective approaches exist elsewhere, such as in France, where judicial observation centres place the perpetrators of violence under surveillance while allowing the family to remain in the home. Swiss policies could benefit from a closer look at these models.
Here are some figures from the DAO’s (Dachorganisation der FrauenhĂ€user Schweiz und Liechtenstein) 2023 activity report:
An essential podcast on coercive control in domestic violence

Dr Andreea Gruev-VintilÄ is a researcher in social psychology and HDR lecturer at the University of Paris Nanterre. She is internationally recognised for her work on domestic violence, gender stereotypes and social norms. In 2023, she published a key work entitled “Coercive control: at the heart of domestic violence”, which is helping to shape legislation and raise awareness around the world.
In this episode of the podcast “Un poing c’est tout”, Dr Gruev-VintilÄ talks to Adrien Roland Boulogne. She explores in depth the concept of coercive control in the context of domestic violence, detailing the psychological mechanisms and social norms that make it a particularly insidious form of violence. In particular, she discusses the history of the development of this concept in the marital context, the legislative challenges and the far-reaching implications for victims.
A must listen HERE
In Switzerland and elsewhere, the concept of parental alienation is the subject of intense debate and continues to be used in child custody cases, despite its lack of scientific basis.
This pseudo-concept is often invoked in child custody cases to the detriment of mothers who are victims of domestic violence, exposing children to dangerous environments.
The 2023 report by the United Nations (UN) Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls,
Reem Alsalem, aims to shed light on the impact of parental alienation on judicial decisions and to highlight its consequences for women’s rights and the protection of children.
The full report is available in several languages HERE.
Key elements of the report are presented in the video below.

Thank you for a rewarding year with KidsToo
There are now almost 180 of you following our activities on LinkedIn (follow us here).
The entire KidsToo Foundation team would like to extend its warmest thanks to each and every one of you for your support and commitment.
We wish you a very happy festive season!
Set your sights on 2025 for new challenges.