Penalisation of coercive control in France

📢 A major step forward in France against domestic violence

🔹 Coercive control enshrined in the Criminal Code

🔹 A reform of the Civil Code to better protect victims and children

The National Assembly has passed a landmark law that finally recognises coercive control as a crime in France. This step forward means that :

✔️ Severe criminal penalties, with up to 10 years’ imprisonment and a €1 million fine. (aggravating factors: violence committed in the presence of a child, incapacity for work, disability and vulnerability)

✔️ Amendments to the Civil Code to provide better protection for victims and children: inclusion of coercive control in family court rulings, restriction or withdrawal of visiting rights and parental authority in the event of conviction.

This is only the first step: what challenges remain? 👇